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Parish Bulletin 16th February 2025

of Kilskyre/Ballinlough

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Web: kilskyreballinlough.ie

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

16th February 2025



Sun      16th       11:30 am          Mass

Thu      20th       10:00 am          Mass

Sun      23rd      11:30 am          Anniversary Masses

                                                  1st Ann – Paul Henry, Deerpark & Dungannon

                                                  4th Ann – Michael Reilly, Johnstown

                                                  Maura, John & Kathleen Kellett



Sat       15th       06:00 pm          Anniversary Masses

                                                  Matthew & Margaret Corcoran                                                                                                    Mattie & Angela McDonnell

                                                  Kathleen & Hugh Muldoon

Sun      16th       10:00 am          Anniversary Masses

                                                  1st Anniversary – Valerie Quinn

                                                  Joe Farrelly, Balnagon

Fri        21st       10:00 am          Mass – followed by Eucharistic Adoration

Sat       22nd      06:00 pm          Anniversary Masses

                                                  Months Memory – Gerty Mulvany

                                                  1st Ann – Mattie Corcoran

Sun      23rd      10:00 am          Anniversary Mass

                                                  Months Memory – Maura Burke


Thank You

for last weekend’s collection and for all those who contribute weekly, monthly or by standing order.

Weekly Envelopes:                 €971.20

Offertory – Kilskyre:              €237.25

Offertory – Ballinlough:        €296.14


Please Pray For

James McGuinjness, Liverpool and late of Boltown whose funeral Mass will take place in Liverpool on the 19th February next. May his soul rest in peace.

Kilskye Hurling & Camogie Club Lotto Results

Letters D E L M – No Winner, 3 Letters – Lily O’Driscoll wins €100. Next draw is on the 25th February and the jackpot will be €3700.

Ballinlough National School

Have a Re-turn bin at the front of the school for any tins/bottles with the Re-turn Logo. This will go towards school fundraising.

Pilgrimage to Medjogorje

Will take place from 30th April to 7th May next under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Oliver Devine with group leader Amy Guinan. All inclusive €845. For more information please contact 087-6552453.

Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to the Shrines of France

Will take place from 21st to 28th May next under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Mark English and Fr. Michael Kilmartin. For more information please contact 01-2410800 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Jubilee of Youth – Rome 28th July to 3rd August 2025

Bishop Tom invites young people (18+) of the Diocese of Meath to join with fellow young people from around the world for this great event with Pope Francis. As Pilgrims of Hope we will share in the week of scheduled events culminating with the Papal Mass for over a million Catholics. Cost €750 approx. including flights and accommodation. For more information see www.dioceseofmeath.ie/youth.

Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Will travel on the 9th September next under the leadership of Bishop Tom Deenihan. Pilgrims can choose between a 4-night or 5-night stay. For more information please contact 01-2410800 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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